While engaging in a conversation with one of my number 1 Sons (the youngest one for clarity), we found ourselves on the same page on an activity that many have not truly mastered in their lives. Further, we laughed as we agreed, many think that they have mastered it but it has been a fleeting skill for them for years. How do we know? We have seen their actions. Ok, what were we talking about ? The ability to listen. I have heard people say, " we have one mouth and two ears, so we should listen more that we speak". Sad to say, but we do not understand really what our body parts are silently telling us. I find in networking, you must listen to hear what a person is truly saying to you. When it comes to active listening, you are suppose to say back to the person what you heard them say to make sure you heard them correctly and more importantly, that you are on the same page during the conversation. While networking, you may not have the opportunity to practice that part of active listening, so it is best that you just work on hearing correctly for the right cues to build a small bond (if you are meeting this person for the first time) with the hopes of moving the relationship further by learning more about the person. My Son told me that he tells his team at work to remember the 3 Ls - Listen, Learn, Listen. I wanted to say, how about the 3 Ls and an R - Listen, Learn, Listen + Repeat. Any way you, look at this formula, there are more opportunities to listen, then to learn. In sum, listening more and speaking less, is a key situational strategy that can be used to foster new relationships and move them to long term relationships. Leave comment(s) on your thoughts on listening.
Talk soon,