As an entrepreneur, I understand that to be successful you almost have to eat, drink and sleep with your business on your mind. It becomes a part of the fabric of your life. I believe in down time…. I really do; however, during this holiday season, as we gather with family, near and far, you may want to take the time to find out what your family members are into now and how you may be able to collaborate with them or someone they know. I know they say, “Family can be the worst business partners!” People are really leery about this relationship, but what if, just what if, that one cousin, aunt, uncle, Gen Z, Baby Boomer, Millennial, etc. has a connection that may lead you to the right person for the “I am ready” you have been working on. I am just saying, you will not know if you do not strike up a conversation about what you are doing.
So here is the scene: You are sitting around and a relative ask, “So what have you been up to lately?” or whatever they say to start a conversation for find out about you. You come back with, “Not too much, just been working on my business (then you sneak in a little part of your normal pitch that is not so pitchy). Your relative may say, “oh yea, well I know someone who may be interested in your services”. Ok, now it is on and popping! Word of caution: You are there to enjoy the family, so do not talk about your business with everyone. Use your discernment. Trust and believe, the rumor or gossip mill is very much alive in your family. It will get around.
I say all of this to say, always be ready for the opportunity that is waiting for you. Food for thought: the last time you talked to that family member, just as you have been growing your network, they have been growing theirs, too.
Happy Holidays and Happy Networking!